Sunday mornings are spent browsing blogs and Facebook as I drink my first cup of coffee and begin to wake up. This past Sunday I happened across Jill’s post about the “i am enough project”. This post really hit home with me. Why? Part of the reason I have been struggling on and off for the past 26 years with anorexia is the feeling that I wasn’t enough. I wanted to be thinner, prettier, better, etc.
As I have grown up, been recovering and going through therapy, I have learned that I don’t have to be all that. The only person I have to please is me. I have to be happy and comfortable with who I am, on the inside and the outside. I need to love the skin I am in and my body for all that it can do, for it is strong and powerful! This is easy some days and much harder other days. I wear a constant reminder on my arm on my Road ID:
I am unique. There is no one else like me. I am enough.