For a very important reminder announcement: Live Gluten Freely has re-launched their site and is also on Facebook! Make sure to check them both out. I am now blogging for Live Gluten Freely in addition to another blogger, Vanessa Maltin of Celiac Princess. I am thrilled to be part of this brand new endeavor with Live Gluten Freely! There are so many exciting things on the horizon.
Not only does Live Gluten Freely have helpful articles, but they have lots of great gluten-free tips and recipes, too.
Do you know someone who was just recently diagnosed with Celiac or just started following a gluten-free diet? Do you want to send someone a gluten-free token of your appreciation? Check out these product boxes from Live Gluten Freely. For $24.99 + shipping you can ship a gluten-free box of goodies anyone!