Usually when I review a product I write one post for one product. I am mixing things up a little bit today. I am going to include 2 products in one post. I know! Things are getting all crazy over here at Gluten-free is Life. Today is cracker day at Gluten-free is Life. I have 2 different brands of crackers to review today. Glutino and Hol-Grain.
I will start with Glutino because alphabetically, “G” comes before “H”. 🙂 Glutino makes 4 different kinds of crackers – original, vegetable flavor, cheddar flavor & multigrain flavor. Today I am reviewing the original. These crackers are very close to the gluten-filled Townhouse or Ritz crackers that I remember. Jon has also sampled them and said “Whoa! These taste just like regular crackers!” He is spreading peanut butter on them and making them into peanut butter sandwich crackers as I write this review. This product gets an A+.
Hol-Grain Crackers are crackers that are made from brown rice with a touch of salt. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that there isn’t much that I don’t like. I like food in general and I am fairly easy to please. Well, brace yourselves. This product was horrible. Horrible, as in going back to the store and I am asking for a store credit or my money back. I had such high hopes for these crackers! I wasn’t turned off by the ingredient list – only brown rice & salt. I eat rice cakes with those ingredients in them daily. The cracker was not appealing to look at; there was no crunch. They almost tasted stale. I didn’t even finish one of the crackers. I hesitate to write a review like this, but I hate to see anyone else waste their money, especially in this economy, on a product that is not cheap ($4 – $6/box). Has anyone else tried these? Did I just get a bad box?
Other good gluten-free crackers are Blue Diamond Nut Thins and Mary’s Gone Crackers. If you made me choose a favorite, it would be between the Glutino & Blue Diamond Nut Thins.
December preview: “A Cookie A Day“. I will be sharing a cookie recipe a day during the month of December. In order to keep my life from being completely nuts, I am going to do weekdays only. Still, that will be 23 cookie recipes for you all to check out! I love holiday cookies and am hoping to try some fun new recipes this year to add to some old favorites.