I had the pleasure of winning a free chocolate bar from Dagoba a week or so ago. They send me the Dagoba Seeds Bar. I was very excited to try & savor this bar. The list of ingredients:
Ingredients – Organic dark chocolate* (OG cacao beans, OG evaporated cane juice, OG cacao butter, OG soy lecithin), OG pumpkin seeds*, OG Manitoba Harvest™ hemp seeds*, OG sunflower seeds, Big Tree Farms Balinese sea salt.
I broke into this bar the other night after dinner and wow…….A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! The perfect combo of sweet & salty. The nuts were prominent enough, but didn’t take over the bar. Went wonderfully with a great glass of cabernet.
Along with my bar, Dagoba kindly sent me a $1.00 off coupon for another chocolate bar. I was at Whole Foods last night and looked for another Seeds Bar, but didn’t find any. 🙁 I settled (haha….any bar from Dagoba is not settling) on a New Moon Bar, which as it stands, is tied in first for my fav from Dagoba. I am on a quest to try them all (hint, hint). 😉