I unfortunately came down with a cold/cough on Friday night. I was bound & determined to run. I was healthy for the past 8 months – what kind of cruel joke is this to get sick the few days before?? I made a deal with myself that as long as I was fever free and not fatigued, I would run. I happily woke up (cough & all) on Sunday Am raring to go. I didn’t feel bad – it was one of those things where I sounded much worse than I felt. It was 32 degrees out..BRRR!! I bundled up (well, in runner’s terms) and my Dad came to pick Jon & I up. What an amazing experience this was for me. I am so glad that I was able to run. I started off well and felt great until about mile 8. Then, I had taken a Clif Shot and because it was so cold out, it didn’t go down well and seemed to make all the crud in my throat just congeal. It felt like I had to cough and something was stuck, but nothing budged. I worked through it and kept reminding myself that this was all temporary and that there were others that have gone through (and are going through) much worse. I had made a list before my race of people that I was dedicating my miles to and thinking of those people while I was struggling during mile 8 and then again during those last couple miles, kept me going. I also saw this quote on the back of a guy in front of me from the Marines “Pain is weakness leaving the body”. That was a bit of motivation, too. The “official” stats are below:
bib number: 10572
age: 36
gender: F
location: Lewis Center, OH
overall place: 2585 out of 6858
division place: 180 out of 695
gender place: 1081 out of 4070
time: 2:01:22
pace: 9:16
10k: 57:08
My goal had been to finish under 2 hours, but considering I was sick & had to stop to tie my stupid shoe, I’ll take this and feel great about it. I can’t wait to train for & run a full marathon in May 2010. 🙂
Here is a pic my Mom took (a little blurry). I am in the red w/black pants:
And here….there I go…
After the race with my medal & shirt. Like the hair? LOL!
Should get the race picture sometime this week.
Oh, I did want to mention that after the finish, I was walking through the lines to get some fuel. I was very discouraged to see that there was mainly doughnuts (gluten) and bagels (more gluten). I did spot some bananas….not even close to ripe & too cold and then the only other thing I could eat, Conn’s Potato Chips. Thank God they were gluten-free. I scarfed them down like I hadn’t eaten for weeks! LOL! I know those other items were quick carbs/sugar, and I should be thankful there was something I could eat. Plus, during the race they gave out gatorade (GF) and Clif Shots (also GF).