Traveling when you are following the gluten-free diet can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. I truly believe the key to success is planning. If you fail to plan, you basically plan to fail. Udi’s Gluten-Free helps make planning to travel gluten-free easy since most of their products don’t require refrigeration and can be eaten at room temperature.
Granola Bars: Udi’s has three different varieties – Chocolate Chip, Cranberry Almond and Ancient Grain. They all travel well, but the Chocolate Chips do melt if they are stored in a hot environment. I like to keep these in my purse for emergency food situations. You know, the ones where someone has either inadvertently glutened the food that is being served or your are unsure about the status of it. When in doubt, go without.
Granola: Udi’s Granola comes in six different varieties – Au Naturel, Crunchy Original, Cranberry, Vanilla, Cherry Almond and Blueberry Cashew. Granola is uber portable and is great to add to ice cream, salads, fruit salads or eat straight from the bag. If you are really stuck and need an easy meal or snack, grab some milk and a bowl from a fast food restaurant or gas station, pour granola & milk into bowl and enjoy.
Muffins: Muffins are great for packing for road trips, picnics, school/work breakfast/lunch, snacks, etc. Udi’s offers five different muffin options – Blueberry, Double Vanilla, Lemon Streusel, Harvest Crunch and Double Chocolate. It’s not necessary to keep the muffins cold or to heat them up…they are perfect at room temperature. Grab a hot cup of coffee or tea and enjoy!
Bread: There are enough varieties of Udi’s Gluten-Free bread that there is sure to be one to please every taste palate. Choose from Whole Grain, White Sandwich, Cinnamon Raisin, Millet-Chia and Omega Flax & Fiber. Making sandwiches ahead of time on room temperature bread or bringing the bread and toppings/fillings along separately are both realistic options; I have had success both ways. I especially like PB & J sandwiches on Udi’s Gluten-Free White Sandwich Bread.
Chips: Do you get snacky when you are road trips? My kids sure do! Udi’s Gluten-Free has three varieties of chips that are perfect for eating on-the-go – Aged Cheddar Ancient Grain, Jalapeno Ancient Grain, Sea Salt Ancient Grain. All three varieties taste great alone, but can be dipped into salsa, French onion dip or hummus for an extra kick. These are great to pass around the car on a road trip or serve at a picnic or tailgate party.
Cookies & Brownies: Don’t worry, Udi’s didn’t forget about dessert. I have a wicked sweet tooth and love to finish off a meal with a small cookie, brownie or handful of jelly beans. Udi’s has seven varieties of cookies & brownies – Snickerdoodle Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Dark Chocolate Brownie Bites, Salted Caramel Cashew, Cookies Maple Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies and Peanut Butter Coconut Cookies. It is hard to figure out which one I like best as they are all awesome! The best thing is the option to choose multiple varieties so that everyone is happy.
Udi’s Gluten Free products can be found in stores across the US and online. What is your favorite Udi’s Gluten-Free product and how do you use it?
*The products mentioned in this blog post were sent to me free of charge for review purposes. The thoughts and opinions shared here are mine and have not been influenced anyone or anything.